FEMtools 4.1은 Framwokr 및 Pretest Analysis 기능을 개선 한 주요 새 버전이며 해석-시험 상관 관계 분석, 민감도 분석 및 모델 업데이트는 변형(Displacement) 응답을 지원하고 FE 데이터 인터페이스 및 드라이버는 현재 버전의 FE 프로그래을 지원하도로 업데이트 되었다.
아래는 4.1 주요 Update 내용이다.
- Support for the new Sentinel HL Pro Driverless dongle is added.
- User's Guides updated to 1600+ pages.
- Conversion from linear to quadratic elements added.
- Automatic generation of surface elements from test model tracelines.
- Improved expansion of test mode shapes.
- Improved interactive mode Shape Pairs Editor.
- The FEMtools database now supports strain and stress tensors, computed internally or imported using data interfaces.
- Tables now support display strain and stress tensors.
- Code optimization for long combo-boxes resulting in factor 50 speed increase.
- A new graphics capture tool is added for capturing and resizing a graphic window.
- A new button to set the center of (dynamic) rotation.
- A new Animation Control dialog box.
- Curve trackers can now be moved suing the keyboard arrow buttons.
- For shape animation, the color-coding can be set to follow the deformation amplitude.
- The number of contour intervals and custom legend colors can be specified.
- Code optimization of graphics rendering leading to speedup factors of up to factor 10.
- Graphics viewers now support display strain and stress tensors.
- The formulation for QUAD8 elements is improved for more robustness and higher speed.
- The FEMtools solvers now support ILP64 (8 bytes) integer indexing, enabling larger datasets.
- Computation of static and omdal stress and strain has been reworked and now includes support for 2D and 3D elements.
- Support for selecting strain responses is improved with support for stress component and element face selection.
Specifying a coordinate system an now use an Automati mode.
- There are 25 new FEMtools API functions to supprort script development.
Data Interfaces
- Support of Abaqus 2019
- Support of Ansys 19.4z
- Support of MSC, Nastran 2019
- Added supprot for static displacment and strain analysis in the Abaqus, Ansys and Nastran interfaces and drivers.
- Like the Nastran interface, the Abaqus and Ansys interfaces now also support import of mode shapes based on mode number
and on frequency ranges.
- Support for SAP2000 v20
- Improvements to Modal-based Assembly (MBA)
Automatic traceline generation has been reworked to support larger point clouds like produced by full field testing.
It is now possible to do manual sensor selection on a FE model without the need to compute or import the shapes.
It is now possible to import a test model and use it as a pretest model that can ve edited
(sensors added, remoed, moved) and used in the Rotate Sensor panel.
New examples for static displacement and strain-based correlation analysis and model updating are added.
- Support for strain responses is added.